Lifeguard Qualifications

Learn a new skill and gain a lifeguard, first aid or defibrillator qualification at the Pelican Centre!

RLSS UK National Pool Lifeguard Qualifications (NPLQ) are completed periodically, delivered over 5 days and covering a wide range of CPR, first aid, recovery and water skills.

All lifeguard courses are delivered with an Automated External Defibrillator qualification, Pool Extraction Board qualification and either First Aid at Work or Emergency First Aid at Work qualifications.

The NPLQ award is valid for 2 years.

The FAW, EFAW, PXB & AED award is valid for 3 years.

Lifeguard, first aid & defibrillator qualifications & training

Paediatric First Aid

Paediatric First Aid is a course combining theory and practical work. The course is delivered over 2 days and looks at various types of injuries and medical problems, teaching you how to deal with these. You will also learn how to maintain life support on an infant or child.

Stages 1-7 follow the National Plan for Teaching Swimming, guiding swimmers through the FUNdamental movement skills for swimming.

Emergency First Aid

Emergency First Aid combines theory and practical work delivered over a 6-hour course teaching CPR, recognising and treating shock, minor injuries and external bleeds.

Community Courses

These courses teach community lifesaving skills of CPR, drowning and dealing with choking in adults, children and infants. Each session lasts around 2 hours.

More information & book your Lifeguard & First Aid course

Explore the Pelican Centre

Quality, clean and complete fitness and leisure facilities for Tyldesley, Atherton, Astley and the local area. Explore our gym and classes at the Pelican Centre.

Fitness at the Pelican Centre: Our Gym | Pelican Centre, Tyldesley Fitness at the Pelican Centre: Our Classes | Pelican Centre, Tyldesley